Disease Faculty Spotlight News Research

Linsey Marr shares airborne virus knowledge, COVID-19 tips during virtual conversation


VT News | September 15, 2020


Throughout much of her career, Linsey Marr found that her multi-disciplinary approach to science was more of a challenge than an asset.

“For the past 12 years I feel like I’ve toiled in total obscurity working on airborne viruses,” said Marr, the Charles P. Lunsford Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. “It’s an interdisciplinary topic that doesn’t fall neatly into one department or field of study. I’ve struggled at times to get funding and to get papers — except now over the period of a couple of months, it became one of the hottest topics around.”

When the COVID-19 pandemic erupted across the world, and as scientists collected evidence that the virus was transmitted through airborne aerosols, that “total obscurity” suddenly became a bright spotlight. As one of fewer than 12 worldwide experts on aerosol transmission of viruses, and one of only a few in America, Marr’s expertise and ability to communicate to the public became a hot commodity. Since March, she has given more than 300 interviews and been quoted more than 4,000 times in 79 countries.



“Most of us had never heard of aerosol science before the pandemic,” began a New York Times profile headlined, “The Scientist, the Air and the Virus.” “Then Virginia Tech’s Linsey Marr showed up and became our tour guide to the invisible world of airborne particles.”

“It’s been a bit of a spaceship ride,” Marr laughed in an hour-long conversation with Virginia Tech President Tim Sands on Tuesday.

Marr’s interdisciplinary background gives her a broad view of the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the ability to communicate knowledge through memorable analogies and visuals that help her students and the public to better understand the virus and how it moves through the air.

As Sands noted, Marr took an interdisciplinary approach from the beginning of her academic career, “and even broadened rather than narrowed down as you went forward.”

“I hated the idea of having to choose a major,” Marr said. “I loved and appreciated natural science and math and even social science. I tried to pick a major that was as broad as possible.”

Marr holds a B.S. in Engineering Science from Harvard College and a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. At Virginia Tech, she leads the Applied Interdisciplinary Research in Air (AIR2) laboratory and teaches courses on air pollution and environmental engineering.

“Virginia Tech has a strong culture of promoting interdisciplinary research,” Marr said. “I felt free to pursue research that was interesting to me. I have great colleagues here. The culture of the university allows you to reach across departments. People are very friendly and open to collaboration. People aren’t trying to protect their turf as much.”

As COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan, China, and began to spread around the world, scientists debated how the virus was transmitted. Given her previous research on the spread of the flu and other diseases, as well as evidence that previous coronaviruses such as SARS spread through aerosols, Marr felt that COVID-19 would spread through aerosols as well.

In early March, Marr posted a thread on Twitter that began, “Let’s talk about #airborne transmission of #SARSCOV2 and other viruses. A discussion is needed to improve accuracy and reduce fear associated with the term.”

Marr told Sands she had posted that thread to bust some myths about airborne viruses and to replace them with more accurate information.

“As soon as people hear ‘airborne virus,’ there’s a tendency to panic,” Marr said. “I knew it was important to get the right information out there. We do know how this moves and there are things we can do to reduce transmission.”

The thread showcased Marr’s ability to communicate simply and effectively, and soon journalists came calling. She became an important voice in the public discourse. Marr used memorable images, describing large water droplets that are expelled by the mouth or nose as “cannonballs.” She compared the airborne transmission of the virus through clouds of microscopic droplets to being with a smoker: If one is indoors and the room is poorly ventilated, the smoke gets pretty thick, whereas if you’re in a car with the windows down, it’s not as bad.

Through the conversation, Sands leveraged Marr’s knowledge and descriptions to essentially walk through a how-to guide for students and the public to navigate this pandemic.

How to wear a mask:

Cover your nose and mouth, with no gaps around the edges.

How do masks work?

Marr described a horse and forest.

“What I like to think about is horse running full speed across a field, and at the edge of the field there’s a forest,” Marr said. “The trees are spaced closely, but they’re far enough apart that if the horse were moving slowly, the horse could get navigate through that forest. But the horse is going full speed, and it hits that the edge of the forest and it’s going to crash into the trees.

So that’s one way that the fibers in your mask trap particles that are coming at them. They [the particles] can’t make the turns that the airflow has to make around those fibers.”

Research shows that layering fabric improves a mask’s effectiveness. A single layer of fabric helps some, but two layers should block 95 percent of particles, Marr said.

How to gauge risk:

Remember the three Cs and the M.

  1. Avoid Close contact situations. Maintain distance from other people. Six feet doesn’t mark a magic barrier, but the particles do dilute with distance.
  2. Avoid Crowds. Being in large crowds increase the chances that one will be around someone infected with the virus, and that the virus will spread to others.
  3. Avoid Closed, poorly ventilated spaces. Imagine a cigarette smoker. In this room, will I take in any smoke?
  4. Wear Masks.

How to ride in a car:

Roll the windows down, even a few inches, and the air refreshes in a minute or two.

How to ride in an airplane:

The ventilation systems really help and are a point of pride for airlines. However, keep your mask on to reduce the risk of transmission from people in the row with you, in front of, and behind you.

How to socialize when it gets colder:

Marr suggested using blankets to tolerate cold temperatures outside, or indoors when all the windows are open. Another possibility for socializing outside would be to gather around a fire, if everyone is masked and keeping distance.

How to endure flu season:

Marr is optimistic.

“All the interventions that we’re taking for COVID-19 will also be effective for the flu, and so I expect we’ll see one of our mildest flu seasons ever,” Marr said. “The flu transmits largely in the in the same ways that COVID-19 transmits. There’s really a lot similarities, and I think we’ll see a lot fewer flus and other respiratory diseases this coming winter. But we need to remain vigilant.”

How to drink a beverage while wearing a mask:

Marr said she’d considered this at some length. Removing one’s mask to drink doesn’t really work. So she landed on the idea of combining a mask with a bendy straw — though Marr acknowledged with a laugh she hasn’t really tested this idea, either.



Suzanne Irby

Michael Stowe

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Announcements Biodiversity Faculty Spotlight Global Change Research

Walking a fine line: How chemical diversity in plants facilitates plant-animal interactions


VT News | September 9, 2020


We aren’t the only beings who enjoy feasting on tasty fruits like apples, berries, peaches, and oranges. Species like bats, monkeys, bears, birds, and even fish consume fruits — and plants count on them to do so.

Wildlife disperse their seeds by eating the fruit and defecating the seed elsewhere, thus carrying the fruit farther away and spreading the next generation of that plant. But attracting wildlife might also mean attracting harmful organisms, like some species of fungi.

Plants walk a fine line between attraction and repulsion, and to do this, they evolved to become complex chemical factories. Chemical ecologists at the Whitehead Lab at Virginia Tech are working to uncover why plants have such diverse chemicals and to determine the functions of these chemicals in plant-microbe and plant-animal interactions.

“There is still so much we don’t know about the chemical compounds plants use to mediate these complicated interactions. As we continue to lose global biodiversity, we are also losing chemical diversity and the chance for discovery,” said Lauren Maynard, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Biological Sciences within the College of Science.

Piper sancti-felicis is a neotropical shrub related to Piper nigrum, which produces black peppercorn. Although P. sancti-felicis isn’t as economically important as its peppery cousin, it fulfills an important ecological role as one of the first plants to colonize a recently disturbed area. It also serves as an important food source for wildlife, especially bats and birds.

The research team on a Piper expedition in Barva Volcano National Park in Costa Rica. From left to right: Susan Whitehead, Lauren Maynard, Juan Pineda (Organization for Tropical Studies), Orlando Vargas Ramírez (Organization for Tropical Studies), Gerald Schneider (Virginia Tech), and Juan Chaves (Barva Volcano National Park).Photo courtesy of Lauren Maynard.
The research team on a Piper expedition in Barva Volcano National Park in Costa Rica. From left to right: Susan Whitehead, Lauren Maynard, Juan Pineda (Organization for Tropical Studies), Orlando Vargas Ramírez (Organization for Tropical Studies), Gerald Schneider (Virginia Tech), and Juan Chaves (Barva Volcano National Park). Photo courtesy of Lauren Maynard.


At La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica, Maynard and a team of international ecologists worked to better understand the evolutionary ecology of P. sancti-felicis. Their findings were recently published in Ecology and serve as a step forward in understanding why plants have such great chemical diversity.

By analyzing the samples, the team discovered 10 previously undocumented alkenylphenol compounds in P. sancti-felicis. Alkenylphenols are rare in the plant kingdom, as they have been reported only in four plant families.

The alkenylphenol compounds were not distributed evenly across the plant, though. Maynard found that fruit pulp had the highest concentrations and diversity of alkenylphenol compounds, while leaves and seeds had only a few compounds at detectable levels. Later, a pattern emerged: Levels of alkenylphenol were highest as flowers developed into unripe pulp, but then decreased as the pulp ripened.

When Maynard and her collaborators tested alkenylphenols with different species of fruit fungi, they found that the alkenylphenols had antifungal properties. But those same compounds also made the fruits less tasty to bats, which are the plant’s main seed dispersers.

This is a delicate balance: high levels of alkenylphenols protected the fruit from harmful fungi as it developed, but when it ripened, alkenylphenol levels dwindled so that bats would be interested in eating it.

“Many fungal pathogens attack ripe fruits and can make fruits unattractive to dispersers, or worse, completely destroy the seeds. Our study suggests that these toxins represent a trade-off in fruits: They do deter some potential beneficial partners, but the benefits they provide in terms of protecting seeds outweigh those costs,” said Susan Whitehead, an assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences.

This study is the first to document an ecological role of alkenylphenols. Chemical interactions in the plant kingdom are not easy to see, but they play a crucial role in balancing trade-offs in various interactions. In the case of P. sancti-felicis, alkenylphenols help the plant walk the fine line between appealing to seed dispersers and repelling harmful fungi.

“Finding the nonlinear pattern of alkenylphenol investment across fruit development was really exciting. It suggests that the main function of the compounds is defense,” said Maynard, who is also an Interfaces of Global Change Fellow in the Global Change Center, housed in the Fralin Life Sciences Institute.

This discovery helps researchers understand the nuances of tropical forest ecology and how chemical diversity in plants helps maintain that delicate balance. Plant chemical defenses have mostly been studied in leaves of plants, so this new discovery furthers scientists’ understanding of how and why these compounds are crucial in fruits. And because fruits are the vehicle for seed dispersal, these chemicals play a significant ecological role.

“This study advanced our understanding of how tropical forests work by bringing together scientists and expertise from multiple fields of study: plant ecology, animal behavior, chemistry, and microbiology,” said Whitehead, who is also an affiliated faculty member of the Global Change Center and the Fralin Life Sciences Institute.

The Whitehead Lab has several ongoing projects focused on plant chemistry and seed dispersal at La Selva Biological Station. Since international travel is not possible at the moment, the team hopes to resume their research when it is safe to do so. 

 – Written by Rasha Aridi



Kristin Rose Jutras
(540) 231-6614

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Announcements Evolution Faculty Spotlight Global Change Research

A trans-Atlantic journey: how microbes and dust travel from Africa to the Americas


VT News | September 1, 2020


Each year, over 180 million tons of dust are swept up from the Sahara Desert, blown across the western edge of Africa, wisped across the Atlantic Ocean, and deposited throughout the Americas. These are called dust plumes, and they carry more than just sand.

In fact, dust plumes play a crucial role in the long-range transport of microorganisms. A team led by Virginia Tech researchers in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of La Laguna in the Canary Islands received a $1.1 million grant from NASA to study microbial diversity in dust plumes and the physics behind the transport of dust and microbes along superhighways in the sky.

“One of the less understood aspects of dust is that these particles could be a vehicle for microbes — viruses, bacteria, fungi that can come across the Atlantic, as if hitchhiking on these dust particles,” said Hosein Foroutan, the principal investigator on the grant and assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the College of Engineering.

Foroutan and his collaborators will take a transdisciplinary approach to study the microbial biodiversity in dust plumes by analyzing collected samples, investigating satellite data, and creating transport models. Ultimately, this research will inform experts about which microbes are being transported to the Americas and what that could mean for the health of plants, domestic animals, and people.


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To do this, the team is operating on an intercontinental scale. They will analyze dust samples collected from various sites between the United States and Africa, including the middle of the Atlantic. Sampling at various locations on the “dust superhighway” will allow the team to study differences in microbial biodiversity. Using DNA sequencing, culturing, and other microbiological techniques, the team will be able to determine the types, concentrations, and viability of microbes in the dust samples.

“Little is known about the diversity and viability of microbes traveling on African dust. Could devastating plant and animal pathogens be riding on African dust? If so, we would like to know where they are going and when they might arrive there,” said David Schmale, professor in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. As a collaborator, Schmale will work to identify microorganisms in dust samples.

But microorganisms are especially sensitive to the environment — temperature, altitude, precipitation, humidity, and ultraviolet radiation can all affect the survival of microbes. Coupled with atmospheric and satellite data, the researchers will be able to use microbial diversity data to peer into the life of microorganisms traveling in dust plumes from one continent to another.

“We’re lucky we can associate microbes with dust, which we can detect using satellites because we have no way of continuously detecting these airborne microorganisms on this scale. You’re talking about a huge scale — a couple thousand kilometers apart — and up to five to six kilometers above the surface,” said Foroutan, who is also an affiliated faculty member of the Fralin Life Sciences Institute and the Global Change Center at Virginia Tech.

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esearch on the microbial diversity in dust plumes can help scientists understand what kind of microbes may be blown in from overseas and how to prepare for that. Since species in the Americas have not evolved to deal with microbes native to other parts of the world, an invasive microorganism can pose a significant threat to plants, animals, or people.

“Pathogens are not respecters of international boundaries. One of my main motivations is to help farmers and others manage the risk that dust-borne microorganisms may pose. With better tracking and prediction tools, stakeholders can make informed choices about precautions they can take to halt the spread of disease and ensure a secure food supply for all of us,” said Shane Ross, a collaborator on this grant and a professor in the Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering. Ross studies transport using observational and simulation data and will be applying his expertise to analyze dust transport.

Due to the scale and complexity of this study, Foroutan said “no one can tackle this problem by themselves” and that interdisciplinary collaboration is key. Other investigators include Dale Griffin from the U.S. Geological Survey and Cristina González Martín from the University of La Laguna in the Canary Islands, who helped collect dust samples to analyze for this project.

As the project progresses in the future, the team hopes to put out an open call for international collaborators to contribute their samples for a more global analysis of this phenomenon.

– Written by Rasha Aridi



Steven Mackay

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