Dr. Dana Hawley


Dr. Dana Hawley

Biological Sciences

[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Dr. Hawley’s research program at Virginia Tech focuses on wildlife disease ecology and evolution. In relation to global change, Dr. Hawley studies how anthropogenic and ecological factors influence disease severity and pathogen evolution. She is particularly interested in how global changes may alter both organismal susceptibility and exposure to pathogens, and how these changes may scale up to influence population-level disease dynamics.  She is also studying how global changes such as the supplemental feeding of wildlife may alter pathogen evolutionary trade-offs, potentially resulting in the evolution of more harmful diseases.

Dr. Hawley is a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Virginia Tech. Hawley currently serves on the Editorial Board of the journal Functional Ecology.  At Virginia Tech, Dr. Hawley has taught undergraduate courses in Wildlife Disease Ecology and Ornithology. At the Graduate level, she has taught courses in Scientific Outreach and Advanced Wildlife Disease Ecology.


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In the News

Researchers receive $1.75 million grant to study host variation

Professors take part in journal’s test for peer review bias in major international study

Dana Hawley receives 2014 Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator style=”shadow”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Recent Relevant Publications

Moyersg, S.C., J.S. Adelmanp, I. Moore, D. Farine, and D.M.Hawley. Exploratory behavior is linked to stress physiology and social network centrality in free-living house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus). In Press: Hormones and Behavior.

Fleming-Davies A.E., P.D. Williams, A.A. Dhondt, A.P. Dobson, W.M. Hochachka, A.E. Leong, D.H. Ley, E.E. Osnas, and D.M.Hawley. 2018. Incomplete host immunity favors the evolution of virulence in an emergent wildlife pathogen. Science 359: 1030-1033.

Hopkinsg, C.M., C.A. Thomasonp, C.A., B.L. Brown, L.T. Kirkpatrick, S.L. Paulson, and D.M.Hawley. 2018. Experimental logging alters the abundance and community composition of ovipositing mosquitoes in the southern Appalachians. Online Early: Ecological Entomology. Doi: 10.1111/een.12518.

Moyersg, S.C., J.S. Adelmanp, D.R. Farine, C.A. Thomasonp, and D.M.Hawley. 2018. Feeder density enhances house finch disease transmission in experimental epidemics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 373: 20170090.

Altizer, S.A., D.J. Becker, J.H. Epstein, K.M. Forbes, T.R. Gillespie, R.J. Hall, D.M.Hawley, S.M. Hernandez, L.B. Martin, R.K. Plowright, D.A. Satterfield, and D.G. Streicker. 2018. Food for contagion: synthesis and future directions for studying host-parasite responses to resource shifts in anthropogenic environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society373: 20170102.

Thomasonp, C.A, N. Mullen, L.K. Belden, M. May, and D.M.Hawley.2017. Resident microbiomedisruption with antibiotics enhances virulence of a colonizing pathogen. Scientific Reports 7: 16177.

Leong, A.E., and D.M.Hawley. 2017. Host responses to pathogen priming in a natural songbird host. Ecohealth 14: 793-804.

Brace, A.J., M.J. Lajeunesse, D.R. Ardia, D.M.Hawley, J.S. Adelman, K.L. Buchanan, J.M. Fair, J.L. Grindstaff, K.D. Matson, and L.B. Martin. 2017. Costs of immune responses are related to host body size and lifespan. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 327:254-261.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator style=”shadow”][/vc_column][/vc_row]