Christopher Zobel


Dr. Christopher Zobel

Business Information Technology

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Christopher W. Zobel is the R.B. Pamplin Professor of Business Information Technology.  He received the Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia, the M.S. in Mathematics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the B.A. in Mathematics from Colgate University.   His research work involves analytical modeling and simulation and it tends to focus on using information technology to help solve problems that can benefit the common good and have a positive impact on society. Most of these efforts can be characterized as belonging to one of two categories: disaster operations management and environmentally-focused decision making.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”36885″ img_size=”275×355″ alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_border”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dr. Zobel has published his work in journals such as Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, the International Journal of Production Research, the European Journal of Operational Research, and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, among others.

Dr. Zobel is one of the Co-Directors of Virginia Tech’s Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program in Disaster Resilience, and he is a co-editor of the Springer volume Advances in Humanitarian Operations Management. He was a 2015 Fulbright Scholar to Germany and he is on the Board of Directors of the International Association for the Study of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM).  Dr. Zobel is also an active member of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS).

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Using data to prepare communities for disasters[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator style=”shadow”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Recent Relevant Publications

Baghersad, M. and C.W. Zobel. “Economic impact of production bottlenecks caused by disasters impacting interdependent industry sectors,” International Journal of Production Economics, 168, 2015, 71-80.

Zobel, C.W. “Quantitatively Representing Non-linear Disaster Recovery,” Decision Sciences, 45(6), 2014, 1053–1082.

Pant, R., K. Barker, and C.W. Zobel. “Static and dynamic metrics of economic resilience for interdependent infrastructure and industry sectors,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 125(1), 2014, 92-102.

Zobel, C.W. and L.Z. Khansa. “Quantifying Cyberinfrastructure Resilience against Multievent Attacks,” Decision Sciences, 43(4), 2012, 687-710.

Falasca, M. and C.W. Zobel. “An Optimization Model for Volunteer Assignments in Humanitarian Organizations,” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 46(4), 2012, 250-260.

Arnette, A.N. and C.W. Zobel. “An Optimization Model for Regional Renewable Energy Development,” Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(7), 2012, 4606-4615.

Falasca, M. and C.W. Zobel. “A Two-Stage Procurement Model for Humanitarian Relief Supply Chains,” Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 1(2), 2011, 151-169.

Zobel, C.W. “Representing perceived tradeoffs in defining disaster resilience,” Decision Support Systems, 50(2), 2011, 394-403.

Falasca, M., C.W. Zobel, and C.T. Ragsdale. “Helping a Small Development Aid Organization Manage Volunteers More Efficiently,” Interfaces, 41(3), 2011, 254-262.

Arnette, A.N. and C.W. Zobel. “Spatial Analysis of Renewable Energy Potential in the Greater Southern Appalachian Mountains,” Renewable Energy, 36(11), 2011, 2785-2798.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator style=”shadow”][/vc_column][/vc_row]