Dr. Florian Zach


Dr. Florian Zach

Hospitality and Tourism Management

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Tourism trends are often directly impacted by changes in the environment and climate. Two relevant projects currently under study by Dr. Zach include:

  • exploring the effects of summer adventure parks built by ski resorts in the Austrian Alps as a response to shorter winter and longer summer seasons
  • impacts of the 2018 Florida Red Tide on hotel and short-term rental (Airbnb and similar) booking

To further innovation research in tourism and hospitality, Dr. Zach co-founded and currently co-chairs the Alliance for Innovators and Researchers in Tourism and Hospitality (AIRTH; www.airth.global), connecting professionals and academics and providing free innovation case studies for teaching. Dr. Zach publishes in internationally top ranked tourism and hospitality journals including Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Tourism Management and Journal of Travel Research and often attends key tourism and hospitality conferences, such as ENTER as well as the AIRTH conference and AIRTH innovation tracks at established conferences.


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Recent Relevant Publications

Zach, F.J., Nicolau, J.L., and Sharma, A. (2020). Disruptive innovation, innovation adoption and incumbent market value: The case of Airbnb. Annals of Tourism Research. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2019.102818 [Publisher] [Google Scholar]

Reinhold, S., Zach, F.J., and Krizaj, D. (2018). Business Models in Tourism – State of the Art. Tourism Review 74(6), 1120-1134. doi:10.1108/TR-02-2018-0027 [Publisher] [Google Scholar]

Reinhold, S., Zach, F.J., and Krizaj, D. (2018). Special Issue on Business Models in Tourism. Tourism Review [Publisher]

Zach, F.J. and Hill, T.L. (2017). Network, knowledge and relationship impacts on innovation in tourism destinations. Tourism Management, 62, 196-207. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2017.04.001 [Publisher]

Zach, F. (2012). Partners and Innovation in American Destination Marketing Organizations. Journal of Travel Research 51(4), 412-425. doi:10.1177/0047287511426340 [Publisher] [Google Scholar] *[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator style=”shadow”][/vc_column][/vc_row]