Ryan McClure


Ryan McClure

Biological Sciences

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Dr. Ryan McClure graduated from Virginia Tech with a Ph.D. from the Department of Biological Sciences in August 2020. In Fall 2021, Ryan accepted a Postdoctoral Research Associate Position with Dr. Stephanie Hampton at Washington State University exploring changes in lake dynamics at large spatial and temporal scales.

Ryan defended his doctoral defense, “The drivers of freshwater reservoir biogeochemical cycling and greenhouse gas emissions in a changing world,” in August, 2020 under the guidance of GCC Affiliate Dr. Cayelan Carey. Ryan then worked as a Postdoc in a collaborative effort between the Carey Lab and Dr. Quinn Thomas (FREC). His research investigated biogeochemical cycling in freshwater reservoirs and codeveloped near-term water temperature forecasts in National Ecological Observatory Network lakes.

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Ryan received his bachelor’s degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. Afterward, he worked as a field technician in Iceland and Trinidad and Tobago, assisting with research projects studying stream biogeochemistry and evolutionary processes in the face of global change. Following these projects, he returned to Montana and helped the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks estimate pallid sturgeon populations and dietary patterns in the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers. 


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In the News:

Ryan McClure receives the Leo Bourassa Award (GCC Blog post, Sept 2016)

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