Dr. Brian Badgley


Dr. Brian Badgley

School of Plant and Environmental Sciences

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By combining new methods in genomics and metagenomics with traditional culture based techniques we can seek to gain new insights into these important questions in a variety of habitats. We also strive to conduct highly collaborative and interdisciplinary projects, working with a variety of colleagues from ecosystem ecology, agriculture, chemistry, engineering, and public health. Examples of some of the studies in which we are currently involved include:

  • Patterns in microbial diversity and community structure in a variety of habitats, including reclaimed mine soils, agricultural and forest soils, stream waters and sediments, ballast water in cargo ships, and the surface of mouse skin.
  • The impact of storm events on sediment resuspension and microbial transport in stream ecosystems.
  • The effect of diversity on ecological function in soil microbial communities.


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In the News

Grant awarded to study how plants affect microbiomes[/vc_column_text][vc_separator style=”shadow”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1595381017545{margin-top: -5px !important;}”]

Recent Relevant Publications


Badgley BD, Steele MK, Cappellin C, Burger J, Jian J, Neher TP, Orentas M, Wagner R (2019) Fecal indicator dynamics at the watershed scale: variable relationships with land use, season, and water chemistry. Sc Total Environ 697:134113. (Link)

Wepking C, Badgley BD, Barrett JE, Knowlton KF, Lucas JM, Minick KJ, Ray P, Shawver S, Strickland MS (2019) Prolonged exposure to manure from livestock‐administered antibiotics decreases ecosystem carbon‐use efficiency and alters nitrogen cycling. Ecol Lett 22:2067-2076. (Link)

Sun S, Badgley BD (2019) Changes in microbial functional genes within the soil metagenome during forest ecosystem restoration. Soil Biol Biochem 135:163-172. (Link)

WallerG, L. J., Evanylo, G., Krometis, L. A. H., Strickland, M. S., Wynn-Thompson, T., and Badgley, B. D.  2017. Engineered and environmental controls of microbial denitrification in established bioretention cells. Environmental Science and Technology 52: 5358-5366.

SunG, S., Li, S., AveraG, B.N., Strahm, B.D. and Badgley, B.D. 2017. Soil bacterial and fungal communities show distinct recovery patterns during forest ecosystem restoration. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83: e00966-17.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row]