Global Change New Courses

New Agriculture & Environment Seminar Series at Virginia Tech


We would like to invite you to a new, interdepartmental seminar series entitled, “Agriculture and the Environment.” This seminar series will be held weekly, Fall 2015, each Tuesday from 3:00-4:00 in the Fralin Auditorium, Sept. 1 through Nov. 10, 2015.  The seminar is being co-sponsored by the departments of Entomology, CSES, PPWS, and Horticulture and features invited academic and industry speakers from outside the VT community.

Students are encouraged to register for the seminar for 1 credit under ALS 5984 or HORT 5984.  Refreshments will be served and students and faculty will have the opportunity to sign up to meet with seminar speakers individually on the day of their presentations.  A full flyer to advertise the seminar is attached.  Please direct any questions to Megan O’Rourke,

Thank You!
Agriculture & Environment Seminar Committee

 Download the Agriculture & Environment SeminarSchedule