New Courses

Course Announcement: Systems Ecology and Conservation

FIW 5984/19850 SS: Systems Ecology and Conservation 

Fall 2017 Course description

Systems Ecology and Conservation adopts an integrative approach to understanding problems of sustainable management and conservation of natural environments.  The course is founded on the idea that effective environmental conservation can only be achieved through consideration and management of broader, multifaceted factors related to natural ecosystems and human societies.  It seeks to help students conceptualize and articulate their own problems of study within an interdisciplinary framework.  The course introduces students to approaches to understanding biological conservation problems as integrated systems by reviewing the literature on Systems Ecology and Social-Ecological Systems.  Attention is paid to the diversity of social-ecological settings across the globe and the role of rural communities in environmental conservation. Classes are based on discussions of readings led jointly by the students and instructor.

Class time & location

Lecture: Wednesdays & Fridays 5:00 – 6:15 pm, room 133 Cheatham Hall

Download the flyer

Please contact the instructor for more information:

Leandro Castello
Office: 148 Cheatham Hall
Phone: 540-231-5046
