Climate Change Disease Drinking water New Publications

Surface water and flood dynamics increase vulnerability to waterborne disease and climate change

Diarrheal disease, a preventable and treatable illness, remains the second-leading cause of death in children under the age of 5 and a persistent public health threat in sub-Saharan Africa.

Researchers have now uncovered how surface water dynamics may increase the vulnerability of dependent populations to diarrheal disease and climate change.

Kathleen Alexander, professor of wildlife in Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources and Environment, in collaboration with Alexandra Heaney and Jeffrey Shaman, both of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, has been conducting research on the influence of flood pulse dynamics on diarrheal disease along the Chobe River flood plain system in northern Botswana.

The results of their study, funded by the National Science Foundation, were published in PLOS Medicine.

Alexander’s research is focused on communities reliant on surface water in the Chobe River flood plain system. This river system, like others in Africa, experiences annual floods that are highly variable, both seasonally and from year to year.

Alexander and her team wanted to know if surface water dynamics were contributing to diarrheal disease outbreaks and how climate change, predicted to increase flooding and hydrological variability, might increase the vulnerability of local human populations to diarrheal disease.

Despite the presence of centralized water treatment infrastructure, outbreaks of diarrheal disease continue to occur in a quasi-regular pattern in the region.

“It was a fundamental question for me,” Alexander said. “These places are doing everything right, but local populations are still impacted by diarrheal disease. Why does the infrastructure fail to protect these communities, and what can we do to improve public health now and under future environmental conditions?”

In partnership with the government of Botswana, the researchers evaluated outbreak patterns across eight villages and towns along the Chobe River, utilizing decades of data from 10 government health facilities. They evaluated these data in conjunction with detailed hydrometeorological conditions, including bimonthly water quality studies that spanned nearly a decade.

They discovered that increases in diarrheal disease cases were closely tied to periods of rainfall, flood recession, and changes in surface water quality, with a 1 meter drop in river height in the dry season associated with a staggering 16.7 percent increase in diarrheal disease in children under 5.

A significant finding was that various age groups were affected differently by season, with children aged 1 to 4 experiencing more illnesses in the wet season with rainfall events, whereas older children and adults reported more diarrhea in the dry season during periods of flood recession. Diarrhea type also varied significantly by season.

“What this tells us is that environmental conditions drive diarrheal disease — not just the number of diarrhea cases and timing of outbreaks but also who is affected and what type of diarrhea might occur,” said Alexander, who is also affiliated with Virginia Tech’s Fralin Life Science Institute.

Adults and children were equally affected, suggesting that in high HIV burden populations such as those in northern Botswana, an expansion of diarrheal disease surveillance and intervention strategies may be needed to engage other at-risk sectors of the population beyond the under-5 age class.

While flooding of a region is often associated with disease outbreaks in other systems, it was the draining of water from the flood plains that was most closely tied to diarrheal disease and degraded water quality in this study.

“This research shows the complex relationships among people, wildlife, and the water cycle in regions with pronounced wet and dry seasons,” said Richard Yuretich, a director of the National Science Foundation’s Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems program, which funded the research. “The pattern of disease associated with changes in the volume and quality of water can help in designing water-treatment systems that are responsive to the natural ebb and flow of the environment.”

The researchers hypothesize that extreme variability in surface water conditions associated with annual rainfall and flood dynamics may compromise water treatment facilities that require removal of sediments and solids to be effective.

“These highly variable surface water dynamics are difficult to manage in many water treatment plants, potentially increasing waterborne disease risk in dependent populations,” Alexander said.

In southern Africa, climate change is predicted to intensify hydrological variability and the frequency of extreme events, such as drought and floods, suggesting that dependent populations will be more vulnerable to waterborne disease.

“There is an urgent need to evaluate water infrastructure and ensure these systems are able to handle rapid shifts in surface water quality,” Alexander said.

Alexander emphasized that the complex dynamics influencing diarrheal disease underscore the need for inclusion of research dimensions not usually considered in the field of public health.

“A single scale of study is often inadequate to understanding today’s complex problems,” she noted. “Public health research must look beyond the patient, engaging multiscale and multidisciplinary approaches that span the human-environmental interface.”

Alexander, a wildlife veterinarian, disease ecologist, and co-founder of the Center for Conservation of African Resources: Animals, Communities, and Land Use (CARACAL) in Botswana, directs her research program at exploring and understanding the factors that influence the emergence and persistence of novel and re-emerging diseases at the human-wildlife-environment interface.

Funding for this study was provided by the National Science Foundation’s Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems program, with additional support contributed through the Empowerment of Non State Actors Programme, a joint partnership between the government of Botswana and the European Union. This paper is part of the PLOS Medicine Special Issue: Climate Change and Health.


Accolades Drinking water News Water

Water experts to study emerging threat of antibiotic resistance

Through the awarding of two contracts, the Centers for Disease Control is tapping the expertise of Amy Pruden and Marc Edwards in a wider effort to address emerging public health priorities.

Bacteria that become resistant to antibiotics lead to an estimated 23,000 deaths and 2 million illnesses per year in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control is launching an expansive effort to study various facets of the growing threat by funding researchers across the nation, including two prominent water experts at Virginia Tech.

The CDC recently awarded two contracts to study antibiotic resistance in recycled water and in plumbing to Amy Pruden and Marc Edwards, both professors in the Charles Edward Via, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech.

Pruden and Edwards received the noteworthy contracts as part of the CDC’s wider effort to address emerging public health priorities. The work Pruden and Edwards are set to conduct for the next year falls under one of the CDC’s 10 major research areas of interest surrounding disease control. Both will focus their efforts on antibiotic resistant pathogens and resistance genes in water systems.

A woman leans on a lab table and smiles for a photo.
Amy Pruden (Photo by Peter Means).

Specifically, Pruden, the W. Thomas Rice Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, is leading an effort to examine the issue in the context of wastewater reclamation, also known as water recycling or reuse.

Water recycling is necessary to maintain sufficient water supplies for commercial, industrial, agricultural, and residential needs. While the purification systems must meet very high microbial reduction standards, these standards do not specifically address removal of antibiotic resistant organisms.

Pruden’s project will explore the opportunity to intentionally design wastewater treatment and reclamation processes as a barrier to the spread of antibiotic resistance. Her team will partner with Kang Xia, a professor in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences at Virginia Tech, and V. Jody Harwood, professor and chair of the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of South Florida, to examine a range of markers of antibiotic resistance through local water reclamation facilities treating water for reuse purposes. Post-doctoral student Emily Garner and civil engineering graduate student Ishi Keenum round out the research team.

The researchers will track a range of antibiotic resistant pathogens of concern and identify which water treatment and disinfection processes are most effective for their removal. They also plan to examine the potential for new strains of resistant bacteria to evolve during wastewater treatment through the use of advanced next generation DNA sequencing and bioinformatic tools that have been developed at Virginia Tech in collaboration with Liqing Zhang and Lenny Heath, associate professor and professor, respectively, in the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech.

A man stands in a lab and poses for a photo.
Marc Edwards (Photo by Peter Means)

Edwards, a University Distinguished Professor, serves as principal investigator for a project examining the plumbing and potential for pathogens to colonize the drinking water systems in hospitals, which face an added risk of infecting susceptible populations.

Along with Pruden, civil and environmental engineering graduate students M. Storme Spencer and Abe Cullom, and Virginia Tech biological sciences professor Joseph O. Falkinham III, Edwards and his team will deploy a novel pipe bioreactor system for simulating building plumbing that was developed by Spencer to rigorously test the effectiveness of disinfectants, like those used in hospital plumbing.

Because the parameters for killing antibiotic resistant bacteria are poorly defined, there is a need to identify which disinfectants are most effective, while also avoiding the possibility that the disinfectants themselves kill off the competition for resistant bacteria and promote survival of more resilient antibiotic resistant bacteria.

The team will compare chlorine, chloramine, chlorine dioxide, copper-silver, and no disinfectant in terms of their ability to control pathogens and biofilm in a range of pipe materials including copper, plastic, and iron.


Written by Erica Corder


Drinking water News Pollution

Hog Farmers Scramble to Drain Waste Pools Ahead Of Hurricane Florence

Just inland from the North Carolina coast, right in the path of Hurricane Florence, there’s an area where there are many more pigs than people. Each big hog farm has one or more open-air “lagoons” filled with manure, and some could be vulnerable to flooding if the hurricane brings as much rain as feared.

Katy Langley lives downstream from many of those farms. “When you fly over the area, you can’t throw a rock without hitting one,” she says. “You see these long barns and these square shapes that are Pepto Bismol pink, because swine waste is bright pink. Fun fact of the day!”

It’s actually bacteria, feeding on the waste, that turn the ponds pink. These lagoons are like a pile of compost. They’re a cheap way to handle animal waste.

But for Langley, the lagoons are a threat. She works for an environmentalist organization called Sound Rivers, and she’s specifically assigned to protect the Neuse River. With thousands of those lagoons just sitting there, open to the weather, with a Category 4 hurricane on the way, Langley is worried that a whole lot of manure is going to wash into the rivers.

Manure lagoons on hog farms like this one in eastern North Carolina flooded after Hurricane Floyd swept through in 1999, creating environmental and health concerns for nearby rivers. Farmers are worried that the scenario will repeat after Hurricane Florence hits this week.
John Althouse/AFP/Getty Images


“We’re probably going to get hit on the nose with this, so flooding’s our biggest concern,” says Marlowe Vaughan of Ivy Spring Creek Farm in Goldsboro, N.C.

The hog houses themselves are safe from flooding, she says, but paths leading to them could be flooded, so that workers will have to get to them by boat.

On her farm, they’re spending part of the day pumping liquid waste out of their lagoons, spraying it as fertilizer on nearby fields, so there’s more room for incoming rainfall.

Experts at North Carolina State University say that if farmers manage to do this ahead of the hurricane, lagoons should be able to handle almost three feet of rain.

But these facilities haven’t ever been forced to accommodate that much rain. I ask Vaughan if the ponds really could handle such a deluge.

“We don’t really know,” she says. “I mean, we try to pump down as much as we can, but after that, it’s kind of in God’s hands. We’re kind of at the mercy of the storm.”

Here’s the really bad scenario: Water starts overflowing and erodes the lagoon wall, causing a wall to collapse, spreading animal waste across the landscape and into rivers.

Rising rivers could also inundate some low-lying lagoons and hog houses. About 60 of them lie within what the state of North Carolina considers the 100-year-flood plain. Animals in those houses may need to be evacuated for the flood waters rise.

There used to be more swine in the flood plain, but after Hurricane Floyd, in 1999, the state bought out some hog farmers in low-lying areas and shut them down.

Some lagoons flooded again during Hurricane Matthew, two years ago, but lagoon walls didn’t collapse.

But Vaughan says, history may not be a guide. It sounds like Florence could be worse. “We really just don’t know,” she says. “We have no idea what’s going to happen. So everybody’s very worried and very concerned. Please pray for us!”


Correction Sept. 11, 2018

A previous Web version of this story said that a state of emergency in North Carolina allows farmers to spray more manure on more fields. This is not the case. The state of emergency does temporarily remove restrictions on the size and weight of trucks carrying livestock, poultry or animal feed.


Blog Drinking water Interfaces of Global Change IGEP Outreach Postcards Research Student Spotlight Water

Postcards from the field: Nicole Ward is working on linking people and water in Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] August 9, 2018
Postcard from Nicole Ward


Hi! I am writing from Sunapee Harbor on Lake Sunapee in New Hampshire, USA. My field season is wrapping up now, but I’ve been here for three months!

My research is aiming to improve water quality monitoring to ensure local residents have good drinking water and recreational water value into the future. A major issue today is that most water quality monitoring protocols only collect water quality samples in one location of a lake, often near the middle or deepest location in a lake. Often, changes in water quality occur over many decades, which means that when even a small change is detected in the middle of a lake, it is likely too late to avoid a drastic decrease in water quality. My goal is to understand how targeted monitoring in different locations of a lake may indicate impending water quality changes earlier than classic monitoring protocols.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]I have been collecting water quality samples in the lake and in the streams that flow into the lake, and have deployed water quality sensors in 4 locations in the lake and automated water samplers in the two largest inflow streams. By linking in-lake water quality measurements with stream measurements, we may be able to target water quality management to specific locations in the watershed that will be the most effective for achieving overall water quality goals for years and decades to come.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”24674″ img_size=”medium” add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”24679″ img_size=”400×550″ add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]In several of these photos, you can see some of the buoys in the background or featured in the photo—we have two orange, one black, and the LSPA (Lake Sunapee Protective Association) has a large yellow buoy. All of the buoys have chains hanging in the water with various water quality sensors attached, including dissolved oxygen, temperature, and light sensors. There is also a photo of one of the automated water samplers in a large plywood box near one of the streams. I also included a picture of two loons! There are a number of loons on the lake, and it was quite fun to hear them calling all summer long. The coolest is being able to see them swimming/hunting underwater, which is only possible because the water is so clear![/vc_column_text][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”24676,24681,24675,24687″ img_size=”300×300″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]Additionally, I have been working to integrate my research with local community needs. I am working with the Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA;, which is a local non-profit devoted to maintaining the environmental integrity of the watershed through education, outreach, and research. They support citizen science in the watershed and maintain a water quality buoy as a part of the Global Lakes Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON; The LSPA is currently writing a watershed management plan, and my work will help inform the implementation of the management plan.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”24680″ img_size=”large” add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]My research is part of a larger interdisciplinary and multi-institutional project, the CNH-Lakes project ( As a group of ~20 researchers representing the disciplines of economics, hydrology, agronomy, limnology, and social science, we are working to understand both how humans influence water quality and how changes in water quality may alter human decision-making. By examining this two-way relationship between people and water, our major goal is to better understand how to achieve water quality goals while avoiding the unintended consequences that often plague environmental decision-making.

This field study was funded by the College of Science Roundtable Scholarship and the Lake Sunapee Protective Association. Thank you so much to logistical, field, and lab support from the LSPA, the Kathy Cottingham lab at Dartmouth (especially post-doc Jennie Brentrup!), Kathie Weathers at the Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies, and Lake Sunapee residents Midge and Tim Eliassen.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”24678″ img_size=”large” add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”24677″ img_size=”large” add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gmaps link=”#E-8_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” title=”Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Accolades Drinking water Faculty Spotlight News Water

Caleyan Carey receives ASLO Early Career Award

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]From VT News

Cayelan Carey, an assistant professor of biological sciences in the College of Science, received the ASLO (Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography) 2018 Yentsch-Schindler Award.

Carey, an expert in freshwater ecology, studies how human activities, land use, and climate change alter water quality in freshwater lakes and reservoirs. She is an affiliate of the Fralin Life Science Institute and the Global Change Center at Virginia Tech.

The Yentsch-Schindler Early Career Award honors an early-career scientist for outstanding and balanced contributions to research, education, and society. Carey is the 2018 recipient for her contributions to research on cyanobacterial blooms, science training, and broader societal issues, such as lake and reservoir management, drinking water policy, and public education. The award was presented at the ASLO Summer Meeting in Victoria, British Columbia, in June 2018.

Carey was surprised and honored when she heard that she had been nominated for and received the award. “It’s very humbling when you think about all the scientists across the globe who are doing such amazing research in the areas of limnology and oceanography,” said Carey.

A highly productive researcher, Carey has already made substantive contributions to the understanding of the ecology of reservoirs and their implications for drinking water, landscape limnology, and the coupling of lake water quality to human activity and climate. In the past year alone, she’s published 18 papers and been awarded three new National Science Foundation (NSF) grants. Carey obtained her Ph.D. from Cornell University in 2012 and has been in her current faculty position at Virginia Tech since August 2013.

Carey’s research into harmful algal and cyanobacterial blooms began in 2004 at a local lake in New Hampshire when she was an undergraduate at Dartmouth College. Local lake association members noticed an algal bloom and brought it to the attention of researchers. Since then, engagement with local stakeholders has been at the core of Carey’s research program.

“I see collaboration with local stakeholders as a theme throughout my undergraduate, graduate, and faculty research. It is so important to have local partnerships,” said Carey.

Currently, Carey is the principal investigator on a new project to use environmental sensor networks, modeling, and real-time ecosystem forecasting techniques to adaptively manage drinking water quality, which benefits the local water authority in Roanoke, Virginia. Another current collaborative project investigates linkages between humans and lakes and how feedbacks among land-use management decisions, water quality concerns, and the actions taken by the public can alter water quality.

Researchers take water samples.
Cayelan Carey, an assistant professor of biological sciences in the College of Science (center), works with graduate students Jonathan Doubek (left) and Ryan McClure (right) to filter water samples at Falling Creek Reservoir in Roanoke, Virginia.

Carey has played a leading role in the development and growth of the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON), a global network of lake researchers. Carey co-founded and was the first chair of the Graduate Student Association (GSA) within GLEON. Colleagues credit Carey with “shaping every detail of the GSA,” which is now “being held up as a model globally for network training and science.” GLEON now connects more than  700 scientists and monitors 153 lakes around the globe; Carey monitors reservoirs in Roanoke as part of the GLEON network.

Since her own days as a graduate student, Carey has excelled at teaching and mentoring. As a graduate teaching assistant, Carey developed new labs, which she later developed with colleagues into an NSF-funded effort (Project EDDIE, Environmental Data-Driven Inquiry and Exploration) to collaboratively produce publicly available learning modules that teach students ecology by analyzing long-term and high-frequency sensor data.

Carey recently received a $299,992 Early Career Award from the NSF to fund a macrosystems science training program called Macrosystems EDDIE, which builds on the original Project EDDIE to develop undergraduates’ simulation modeling, distributed computing, and collaborative skills. Ecologists are increasingly using computer models, involving extensive observations obtained through environmental sensor networks, to study changing ecosystems.

“Conducting this modeling, as well as understanding the model results, requires skills in data analysis, quantitative reasoning, and computing. However, modeling and computational skills are rarely taught in undergraduate classrooms, representing a major gap in training students to tackle complex environmental challenges. This project will develop a training program that teaches the foundations of macrosystems ecology through simulation modeling to thousands of students across the U.S.” said Carey.

As part of the training program, the students will share their results with GLEON scientific working groups to advance ongoing macrosystems research.

Carey’s mentorship abilities are excellent as well, as evidenced by her 2017 Virginia Tech Department of Biological Sciences Graduate Advising Award. In only five years at Virginia Tech, Carey has advised numerous undergraduates and had three masters’ students and one Ph.D. student complete their degrees; she currently has three Ph.D. students and one postdoc in her lab.

“Carey’s nominators noted that her ‘fundamental ecological research ties naturally and seamlessly to both her pedagogical interests and to her outreach to environmental managers.’ This integrative and balanced approach to science is what the Yentsch-Schindler Award is all about. Carey is an excellent example of an early career researcher who excels in all aspects of her career. We are thrilled to acknowledge her accomplishments with this award,” said ASLO President Linda Duguay.


Accolades Drinking water Global Change

Carey receives NSF funding to investigate human-natural feedbacks in water

From VT News

BLACKSBURG, Va., Dec. 8, 2015 – Understanding human interactions with the natural environment can enhance the protection of surface water quality in lakes and streams.

A multidisciplinary team of researchers will examine the linkages between humans and freshwater quality using a $1.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation’s Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program.

Dr. Cayelan Carey, Biological Sciences
Dr. Cayelan Carey

Kelly Cobourn, assistant professor of natural resource economics in Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources and Environment, is principal investigator on the project. Co-principal investigators Cayelan Carey, assistant professor of biological sciences in the College of Science and a Fralin Life Science Institute affiliate, and Kevin Boyle, professor of agricultural and applied economics in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, together with Cobourn form the project leadership team.

The goal of the research project is to investigate human-natural feedbacks in freshwater systems by examining the linkages between land-use decision-making, water quality, and collective action taken by the public to protect water quality.

The research team will study the effects that human activities in freshwater systems have on the degradation of lake water quality and how those land-use decisions by humans affect nutrient fluxes through lake ecosystems.

Project researchers will also study how changes in lake water quality in turn affect human behavior. Degradation of lake water quality affects humans by threatening the amenities that they value, such as drinking water, recreation, and fisheries.

“At its most basic level, this project is about interactions between humans and the environment,” Cobourn said. “We know that humans affect the environment, but you can’t really understand any complex system without also studying how the environment affects human behavior. This linkage from the environment back to humans is a key piece of the puzzle that allows us to better understand changes in many diverse types of human-natural systems.”

The scientists are investigating citizen-driven lake associations as a catalyst to effect changes in laws and regulations to protect and improve water quality. Lake water quality is a global issue that touches all socioeconomic levels and will continue to gain traction in citizen-driven lake associations as surrounding watershed areas deteriorate if not monitored closely.

“We hope that at the end of the day our project will provide a better understanding of the interactions between humans and freshwater systems that can be used to protect valuable lakes,” Boyle said. “If our research could better support lake communities and policymakers as they work to protect and improve water quality, I think we would all consider that to be a success.”

Research results will ultimately lead to a coupled modeling framework that captures how land-use decision-making interacts with the crucial services freshwater provides. That framework will act as a guide for citizen-driven lake associations to advocate for laws and regulations that will allow for the environment surrounding lakes to be protected and ultimately the benefits gained by humans to be preserved.

“The team is a multidisciplinary group of research investigators from eight universities across the country,” Carey said. “We are fortunate to work with an incredible group of scientists that includes hydrologists, freshwater ecologists, economists, and social scientists.”

Cobourn is a natural resource economist whose work focuses on water economics and policy with an emphasis on how farmers make water and land-use decisions. Carey, an expert in freshwater ecology, studies how land use and climate change alter water quality in freshwater lakes and reservoirs. Boyle is an environmental economist whose work looks at the impact of lake water quality on economic values.

“We need to draw on expertise from so many different disciplines to really understand, in a holistic way, what drives changes in freshwater systems,” Cobourn said.

Cobourn, Carey, and Boyle spent months discussing how their individual strengths and understanding of humans and freshwater systems could fit together in this project.

“Over time, we developed into a close-knit leadership team. It is exciting that we were able to generate ideas that extend far beyond the realm of our individual areas of expertise,” Cobourn said. “My work on land-use decision-making, Cayelan’s work on freshwater lakes, and Kevin’s work on the value of water quality form the foundation for the study.”

Read more

Drinking water Research

Peter Vikesland: Disease free water is a global health challenge

From VT News

BLACKSBURG, Va., Oct. 19, 2015 – Antibiotic resistance is a growing global public health threat causing an estimated 23,000 deaths in America each year.

One historically overlooked avenue by which antibiotic resistance can spread is through contact or consumption of contaminated water. For example, recent news articles have raised questions about human sewage tainted water at some of the venues for the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics and the potential spread of resistant ‘super-bugs’. Unfortunately, the Brazilian Olympics is just one example of the growing scale of this problem.

The situation is “a global health challenge,” said Peter Vikesland, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech.

Within the U.S. alone, antibiotic resistance is reportedly responsible for $20 billion in excess health care costs, $35 billion in societal costs, and over eight million extra days in the hospital. At the global scale the costs of resistance are difficult to quantify, but may be an order of magnitude larger.

Vikesland, an expert in the optimization of drinking water disinfection practices, is the principal investigator for a new five-year $3.6 million Partnerships in International Research and Education (PIRE) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) that is aimed at mitigating this global threat.

The continually climbing global population “requires expanded water reuse, which tightens linkages between wastewater and drinking water,” Vikesland said. At least 43 countries reuse treated wastewater for the irrigation of parks, golf courses, crops, and other purposes. In some countries, including parts of the United States, treated wastewater is increasingly looked at as a potential drinking water source.

The challenge is that wastewater treatment plants are rich in ingredients that are not desirable in drinking water. In particular, communities of microbes — some beneficial and others less so — thrive in wastewater treatment plants.

“Wastewater effluent and sludge discharges are often enriched in antimicrobial drugs, antimicrobial resistance elements, and resistant organisms, and these constituents can contaminate receiving environments,” Vikesland explained.

The scenario for antibiotic entry into the water system is disarmingly easy.

When an antibiotic is consumed, researchers have learned that up to 90 percent passes through someone without being metabolized. Consequently, drugs can leave the body almost intact through normal bodily functions. Both humans and animals excrete both the drugs and the bacteria resistant to the drugs, allowing these pollutants to enter wastewater treatment plants or as agricultural runoff into bodies of water such as streams and rivers.

The NSF PIRE project that Vikesland and his international colleagues are undertaking seeks to halt wastewater derived antimicrobial resistance dissemination. They recognized that societal use of antimicrobial drugs and wastewater treatment processes collectively affect the fluctuations of pharmaceuticals, antimicrobial resistant organisms, and antimicrobial resistance elements. These patterns will vary across the world. They want to globally understand these scenarios.

Additionally, they propose to determine how receiving environment characteristics and wastewater treatment practices synergistically affect resistance dissemination, and then develop and test some novel approaches as to how to stop antimicrobial resistance dissemination.

There is “an urgent need to tackle this international grand challenge in multicultural settings,” Vikesland added. “Antimicrobial resistance is a worldwide public health crisis … and is one of the greatest threats to human health of our time.”

Through the NSF PIRE award, both graduate and undergraduate students will have the opportunity to address this global challenge by traveling to 16 globally distributed wastewater treatment plants. At these plants, the project team will interact with and learn from an internationally recognized team of scholars that was put together to address this issue. All of the Virginia Tech graduate students involved in the effort will participate in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program (IGEP) and will earn certificates in International Research Abroad.

This NSF contract mirrors the international need for cooperation. Vikesland’s colleagues on this grant are: Amy Pruden and Marc Edwards, also of civil and environmental engineering, Venkataramana Sridhar of biological systems engineering, and Lenwood Heath and Liqing Zhang of the computer science department, all at Virginia Tech.

Other U.S. collaborators include: Pedro Alvarez and Qi Lin Li  of Rice University; Diana Aga of the University of Buffalo; and Krista Wigginton of the University of Michigan.

Internationally, six universities from Asia are working with Vikesland’s team: Tong Zhang of the University of Hong Kong; Xiangdong Li of Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Yong-Guan Zhu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Yi Luo from Nankai University; Giselle Conception of the University of the Philippines; and Indumathi Nambi of Indian Institute of Technology-Madras.

From Europe, four universities are involved: Tamar Kohn of Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne of Switzerland; Juliane Hollender and Helmut Bürgmann of the Swiss Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland; Celina Manaia of the Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Portugal; and Joakim Larsson of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Kathy Laskowski, of Virginia Tech’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, will assist with project administration and finances. Additional support from Virginia Tech’s Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science will enhance this global effort.

Drinking water Global Change Water

VT researchers review the ecology and epidemiology of “opportunistic plumbing pathogens”

The following article from Environmental Health Perspectives reviews a new paper published by Virginia Tech researchers Joseph Falkingham, Amy Pruden, and Marc Edwards.

Plumbing pathogens: a fixture in hospitals and homes
By Carol Potera

Practicing good hygiene is supposed to make you healthier, not sicker. However, a growing body of research shows that certain bacteria can thrive in household and hospital plumbing systems and may cause life-threatening infections among susceptible individuals after inhalation or ingestion. In this issue of EHP, Joseph Falkinham of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg and colleagues review the epidemiology and ecology of what are known as opportunistic premise plumbing pathogens (OPPPs).

“Premise plumbing” refers to the pipes and fixtures within a building that transport water to taps after it is delivered by the utility. OPPPs are so ubiquitous in plumbing systems that many experts now consider them normal inhabitants, rather than contaminants, of drinking water distribution systems. The new review focuses on Legionella pneumophilaMycobacterium avium, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, three of the best studied OPPPs.

OPPPs are estimated to cause nearly 30,000 cases of human disease yearly at a cost of $850 million.  Elena Naumova, director of the Tufts University Initiative for the Forecasting and Modeling of Infectious Disease, says this is likely a substantial underestimate, because these pathogens are rarely tested for in clinical settings, even in severely ill patients.

In addition, Naumova says, the clinical manifestations of OPPP-related diseases often include common symptoms such as high fever, chills, and fatigue, making it difficult to distinguish them from other pneumonic infections. “The need for identification and reporting these infections is an important conclusion of the review,” she says. Naumova was not involved with the review.

Other waterborne pathogens, such as poliovirus and Salmonella, are more readily killed by disinfectants, and they generally do not reproduce in plumbing systems. In contrast, OPPPs attach to pipe surfaces and grow as recalcitrant biofilms in low-nutrient, stagnant water. They are killed by neither common disinfectants nor natural predators, such as amoebae. Instead, OPPPs multiply inside amoebae after ingestion. “OPPPs are perfectly adapted to drinking water systems,” says Falkinham.

The three OPPPs reviewed by Falkinham and his colleagues are particularly problematic in premise plumbing, and practices for control of these organisms are not well validated, says Mark LeChevallier, director of innovation and environmental stewardship at the New Jersey–based utility American Water. LeChevallier says the authors’ recommendations on research needs will “improve our understanding of the epidemiology and ecology of these emerging pathogens.”

One proposed control method for OPPPs is simply to raise the temperature of hot water systems. In a small ongoing study of patients infected with M. avium, increasing the set point on home water heaters from the recommended 120°F to 140°F appears helpful in eliminating M. avium in home plumbing systems. However, the unpublished study includes just 10 homes, and it’s too early to issue a general recommendation. “We worry about people scalding themselves, and it counteracts energy company pleas to lower temperatures to conserve energy,” says Falkinham.

Some hospitals use a 0.2-µm microbiological filter, such as those made by Pall Medical, on showerheads and faucets in patient rooms to block OPPPs. Steve Ebersohl, senior director of hospital sales with Pall Medical, says physicians who treat OPPP patients can refer them to that company or other manufacturers to learn how to add these filters to their home plumbing fixtures. However, activated charcoal filters, such as the ones often used to purify home water supplies, do not block and may even increase the growth of OPPPs. M. avium, for instance, flourishes on activated charcoal filters, where it is supplemented by the trapped metals and organic matter, Falkinham says.

Another option is to coat pipe interiors with agents that block biofilm growth. Sharklet®, a synthetic material that mimics the rough texture of natural shark skin, resists biofouling and reduces biofilm formation by M. avium. Made by Sharklet Technologies in Aurora, Colorado, this novel coating has microscopic ribs that discourage pathogens from settling on it. Sharklet Technologies is currently evaluating the material’s ability to prevent biofilm fouling in surgical and hospital settings.

The common traits shared by L. pneumophilaM. avium, and P. aeruginosa suggest they could be controlled collectively by a few effective treatments, Falkinham says. He hopes those same solutions also may prevent widespread public health impacts associated with emerging OPPPs, such as multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter, which has infected soldiers who were wounded serving in the Middle East.

Read the full article at Environmental Health Perspectives.

Article Citation: Potera C. 2015. Plumbing pathogens: a fixture in hospitals and homes. Environ Health Perspect 123:A217;

Original paper:

Falkinham JO III, Hilborn ED, Arduino MJ, Pruden A, Edwards MA. 2015. Epidemiology and ecology of opportunistic premise plumbing pathogens: Legionella pneumophilaMycobacterium avium, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Environ Health Perspect 123:749–758;

Accolades Drinking water Interfaces of Global Change IGEP Student Spotlight

Jon Doubek receives the Leo Bourassa Award

L to R, Ryan McClure, graduate student studying freshwater ecosystem ecology, Dr. Cayelan Carey, Assistant Professor of freshwater ecosystem ecology in the Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech, and Jonathan Doubek, Ph.D. candidate studying freshwater biology. Global Change Center, science, research
Jon Doubek, PhD Candidate

Jon Doubek has received the Leo Bourassa Award from the Virginia Lakes and Watershed Association for his research on the effects of anoxia on water quality in Virginia reservoirs. This award was chosen based on his contributions to the field of water resources in the commonwealth of Virginia and goes to the top graduate student doing water research in VA!

Jon has been monitoring the water quality of several reservoirs in southwestern VA the past two summers. Jon is a member of the Carey Lab, and works in close collaboration with the Western Virginia Water Authority in Roanoke. The data Jon collects from these reservoirs are used to help inform management decisions for the drinking water of Roanoke.

Congratulations, Jon!

Climate Change Drinking water Global Change News

Dr. Cayelan Carey partners with the United Nations to confront global water crisis

From VT News

BLACKSBURG, Va., May 19, 2015 – A Virginia Tech ecologist provided potential solutions to the world’s water problems in an article published recently in the United Nations’ Chronicle.

The report will assist the United Nations in finalizing its post-2015 sustainable development goals, which include ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

The goals were proposed by world leaders at the Rio+20 conference held in Brazil in 2012 and were meant to set realistic, action-oriented targets for global sustainable development.

Cayelan Carey, an assistant professor of biological sciences in the College of Science and a Fralin Life Science Institute affiliate, partnered with Justin Brookes, an associate professor of biological sciences at the University of Adelaide, to prepare the report.

The report focuses on four objectives:

  • Separation of drinking water from wastewater;
  • Access to treated water in the home or within a short walk;
  • Protection and restoration of freshwater ecosystems that have been degraded by human activity;
  • Development of water-sharing agreements to ensure equitable access for all water users.
Cayelan C Carey
Cayelan C Carey

“Justin and I had a lot of long discussions about how best to put the report together, and evaluated a list of possible solutions that the U.N. is considering,” said Carey, who is also affiliated with the Interfaces of Global Change interdisciplinary graduate education program and the new Global Change Center at Virginia Tech.

“We recognized that it is impossible to complete all objectives, given the enormous economic and cultural barriers, but felt strongly that our recommendations must be grounded in strong science,” Carey said. “Our goal was to recommend solutions to the U.N. that were able to contribute both to the protection of the natural environment as well as ensure a good quality of life, following the premise that water sustains life, but clean, safe drinking water defines civilization.”

Less than half of the world has access to safe drinking water, a problem that increases with human population growth, climate change, pollution, disease, land-use change, nutrient pollution, and other pressures.

Although 70 percent of the Earth is made up of water, only 2.5 percent of it is freshwater and most of that  is locked up in glaciers, according to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The United Nations estimates that about 3.5 million people, mostly in developing countries, die each year because of inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene.

Carey focuses primarily on lakes and reservoirs because they are critically important for drinking water, fisheries, industry, and recreation. She wants to know if warmer temperatures and increased nutrients interact to promote algal blooms, and, if so, which lake management techniques could offset future decreases in water quality.

Carey teaches undergraduate freshwater ecology courses as well as a graduate class entitled “Freshwaters in the Anthropocene,” which explores global water sustainability issues.